Meet the Need is a not-for-profit charity whose mission is to dramatically increase the impact churches and ministries have in their communities by mobilizing more people to loving acts of service.
User Webinar
December - 2014
If you missed our December Webinar on " Case Studies & Best Practices" Click here to watch it now!
Case Studies & Best Practices for Effective Outreach
Hear first hand from a ministry/city reaching organization (ACTION Foundation, Camarillo, CA) that has successfully implemented Meet The Need's best practices and are achieving outreach and city connecting results like never before.
"Meet The Need is like having another full time staff person in the office, except Meet The Need is free! Meet he Need has given us the ability to streamline events, produce reports for grants, and most importantly double the amount of people we can help in our community. They have expanded our reach and it has allowed us the ability to share the miracle of Jesus Christ with thousands!"
Rachelle Melia, Administrative Director - ACTION Foundation
Join us as we dive into specific best practices in maximizing your Meet The Need experience in the following areas
Implementing Meet The Need
Mobilizing your members/volunteers to serve
Getting your needs met
Posting needs
Sharing Meet The Need
Website seamless integration
All of the information shared will position you to achieve the best results for the new year when it comes to changing the culture in your organization and city to mobilize more people to serve others throughout the year.