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User webinar

October - 2013
If you missed our October Webinar on "Shared Case Management" Click Here to watch it now!
Preparing for the Holidays Case Management and Family Scheduling


For decades Toys For Tots has been serving thousands during the holidays by collecting and giving toys to children in need.  However, it wasn't until implementing Meet The Need that they found an easier way to bless more families. 


 Meet The Need made their jobs easier for . . .

  • empowering schools, churches, & agencies to schedule families for multiple sites

  • giving toys to families more efficiently at multiple locations

  • connecting with local organizations and churches that also give out toys to ensure that duplication of giving is decreased so more families in need can be blessed


" Meet The Need has allowed us to expand registration, be more efficient and cost effective, and most importantly, cross check all applicants against the database to prevent double dipping and send those most in need to another local ministry where they can be better served." Toys for Tots Tampa Bay

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