Meet the Need is a not-for-profit charity whose mission is to dramatically increase the impact churches and ministries have in their communities by mobilizing more people to loving acts of service.
MTN and ESA LOve Inc
User Webinar
This webinar is focused to answer the most frequently asked questions from Love INCs in regards to using Meet The Need.
.Paul Haroutunian, Loving our Neighbors Project Coordinator ESA Love INC, and Eve Hibner, Love, INC Clearinghouse Coordinator will share their experiences (successes and challenges) in implementing Meet The Need. ESA Love INC’s end-goal with using Meet The Need is to
move from paper intake forms to live online intake forms
have paper back-up of our clients
move from access Database to Meet the Need-we have already entered about 2,000 of the 5,000 entries
use Shared case management with our church partners
make needs known to our church and ministry partners
“We are excited about the possibilities with Meet the Need. It helps us to find more people who are trying to take advantage of us. Just this week we found someone who changed her name and but used the same SS# and BD. Using a paper only system would not have allowed us to catch this. We have found a renewed excitement in our volunteers. Our fear was some of the older ones would be adverse to using the computer. To the contrary, they have been excited, and our volunteers have been increasing as people want to be trained in Meet the Need.” Paul Haroutunian, ESA Love INC
Paul and his team will share their Phase 1 and Phase 2 implementation plan so you can incorporate Meet The Need in a similar way. Tonya Nichols will demonstrate the case management and volunteer management features of Meet The Need related to Love INCs.